Vigorexia and sea sports Sports
There are some issues that bother me lately is that in a world in which we live, where body image has become so important, we can not blame the chance of the incredible increase in disorders such as anorexia, vigorexia bulimia.
And this disorder is not unique to high performance. Anyone attending the gym, aside from doing any sport, just fitness, you may experience this disorder.
The vigorexia is an eating disorder characterized by the presence of an obsessive preoccupation with the physical and body image distortion (BDD) (not to be confused with bodybuilding). The vigorexia, not recognized as a disease, the international medical community, but it is a disorder or emotional disorder in which physical characteristics are perceived in a distorted, like what happens when you suffer from anorexia, but in reverse.
There are 2 events: the extreme sport or activity, eating or compulsive eating to gain weight but look in the mirror and still eat more skeletal. Although men are the most affected by the vigorexia, is a disease that also affects women.
addiction involves a physical activity (especially weight training): the physical exercise usually vigoréxicos excessive, to achieve a more muscular development than normal, otherwise feel weak or sickly. This requirement adds an eating disorder that is evident in an unbalanced diet in which the amount of protein and carbohydrate consumed is excessive, while the lipid is reduced. This can cause major metabolic disturbances, especially when using steroids vigoréxico causing mood swings. Vigorexia unfortunately
The figures have increased since before only 2 of 10 the suffering is now 4 out of 10, because what starts with a simple idea of \u200b\u200bgaining weight can be a deadly idea. The low self-esteem, seizures, dizziness, headaches and palpitations are symptoms of this disorder. Is more deadly than anorexia and bulimia, as it can only be in the body or the patient with this disorder can last up to 6 months.
the help of family and / or friends is critical, because due to the pain of his illness avoid going to nutritionists and specialists.
The disease can be deadly and dangerous if it is severe because the heart becomes smaller due to the lack of blood.
's obsession with these people for their body leads them to spend long hours in the gym, causing social isolation, or even to consume banned substances.
The treatment of this disorder diagnosed by Harrison G. Pope is multidisciplinary, focusing particularly on cognitive - behavioral therapies aimed at changing the self-esteem, body image that vigoréxico's self, and behaviors such as weighing yourself several times a day, training hours or eat a variety of dietary supplements .
therefore less fitness, wellness and more , the curve of the costs of maintaining happiness. Extract Address Information
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