Saturday, November 15, 2008

Bottomless Mature Women

child and anxiety

I found a very interesting article that talks about the topic we are discussing and talking much at all entrances. The truth is that I liked a lot, since it refers to some studies about the benefits of high performance at an early age. These are:
Hahn (1988) includes the advancement of age of peak performance, especially in certain disciplines, encourages federations, clubs and coaches to start training process aimed at high performance with increasing prematurity, for best results.
On the other hand, the pursuit of success on the part of institutions, associations and clubs contribute to this early specialization.
Finally, the attitude of the parents (who often seek an "overcompensation" by the success is not achieved), is crucial.
Generally, the high-level sport begins with early sports specialization. This specialization is frequent, and fairly treated in the literature. Martens lists the minimum age of initiation to different sports in the U.S. For example, baseball, swimming, athletics, begin before 5 years of age, and may even reach 3 years. Thus, there are few examples of athletes worldwide who began their sport at an early age.
Anyway, there are several positions for some, is fully justified sport beginning and see no problem early in the introduction of the child in high level competitions. For others, it is an attack against children. Here we will present both views, which are for or against this sport specialization, so that the reader can choose the one that seems most appropriate. Obviously there
arguments against:
There are many authors who are against early specialization. Personne collects a large number of actual cases in which athletes subject to an early specialization show a great variety of problems (health, integration, psychological ...).
Moreover, Cotta researched pathological changes in participants of different sports specialties (weightlifters, divers, swimmers ...). Also
most teachers do not recommend this expertise. The risks of this are divided into physical, psychological, motor and sport.
PHYSICAL: Problems bones, joints, heart, muscle ...

PSYCHOLOGICAL RISKS: There are negative consequences of early training and competition that are relevant to the subject's behavior and mental state. Thus, we see problems such as anxiety, stress, frustration, and a "no living children, by the enormous dedication the sport requires high competition (sometimes more than 4 hours a day). RISK
ENGINES: Specialized training search performance in a particular aspect of the human motor execution, ignoring a rule others. This leads to a relative "poverty drive, which can become impossible for a future different sports of which took place during childhood. RISK
SPORTS: In certain ages, it becomes a "specialization blind", ie, it is very difficult to ascertain the nature of future elite athlete when you have a few years old, so it is possible that a child is specializing / a in a practice which is not particularly qualified.
So to conclude this section, I will quote a phrase that is the title of a book Personne:
I join these opinions. The truth is that the whole article is really interesting. If anyone would want to take a look, you can do here. What do you think?
Greetings to all.


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