Saturday, November 29, 2008

Template For An Interest Later To A Sorority


Another reason why sports is to prevent type 2 diabetes mellitus. We have been researching a little on the subject and the current vision we have about diabetes mellitus is the following. There are currently 271 million diagnosed diabetics in the world. Will reach 370 million in 2030. Currently in Spain there are 2.5 million diagnosed diabetics. In most countries is that 90% of cases or a little more, are type 1 diabetics. After conducting this research we know that Type 1 diabetes is more dependent on a genetic predisposition, while the DM II is more dependent on lifestyle, diet, obesity, sedentary lifestyle ... This is the situation in Spain:

can then claim to analyze various studies that obesity is a factor factor that causes type II DM, and is growing at an accelerated pace in all countries of the world and even more in developed countries. Likewise, growing in a parallel index type II Dm. One conclusion we reached is that one should treat the subject from all areas. In education at all ages, media (television, radio, newspapers ...). The teams that government should cover this topic from politics. Make a good prevention policy to promote physical activity as a means to decrease the DM should be of paramount importance. Popular culture says that "prevention is cure" and something has to correct. So that if you set more prevention plans promote physical activity in the long run would save money special because it would prevent many diseases besides diabetes mellitus. Many times they do not understand the priorities of the policy.
The vision we have of the subject is alarming because we believe that the increasing rate of diabetes mellitus is not a consistent and correct anything. Here you
presentation by Alfons and server: Diabetes Mellitus
to Voice

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Updating A Cellebrite

Vigorexia and sea sports Sports

There are some issues that bother me lately is that in a world in which we live, where body image has become so important, we can not blame the chance of the incredible increase in disorders such as anorexia, vigorexia bulimia.
And this disorder is not unique to high performance. Anyone attending the gym, aside from doing any sport, just fitness, you may experience this disorder.
The vigorexia is an eating disorder characterized by the presence of an obsessive preoccupation with the physical and body image distortion (BDD) (not to be confused with bodybuilding). The vigorexia, not recognized as a disease, the international medical community, but it is a disorder or emotional disorder in which physical characteristics are perceived in a distorted, like what happens when you suffer from anorexia, but in reverse.

There are 2 events: the extreme sport or activity, eating or compulsive eating to gain weight but look in the mirror and still eat more skeletal. Although men are the most affected by the vigorexia, is a disease that also affects women.
addiction involves a physical activity (especially weight training): the physical exercise usually vigoréxicos excessive, to achieve a more muscular development than normal, otherwise feel weak or sickly. This requirement adds an eating disorder that is evident in an unbalanced diet in which the amount of protein and carbohydrate consumed is excessive, while the lipid is reduced. This can cause major metabolic disturbances, especially when using steroids vigoréxico causing mood swings. Vigorexia unfortunately
The figures have increased since before only 2 of 10 the suffering is now 4 out of 10, because what starts with a simple idea of \u200b\u200bgaining weight can be a deadly idea. The low self-esteem, seizures, dizziness, headaches and palpitations are symptoms of this disorder. Is more deadly than anorexia and bulimia, as it can only be in the body or the patient with this disorder can last up to 6 months.

the help of family and / or friends is critical, because due to the pain of his illness avoid going to nutritionists and specialists.
The disease can be deadly and dangerous if it is severe because the heart becomes smaller due to the lack of blood.
's obsession with these people for their body leads them to spend long hours in the gym, causing social isolation, or even to consume banned substances.
The treatment of this disorder diagnosed by Harrison G. Pope is multidisciplinary, focusing particularly on cognitive - behavioral therapies aimed at changing the self-esteem, body image that vigoréxico's self, and behaviors such as weighing yourself several times a day, training hours or eat a variety of dietary supplements .
therefore less fitness, wellness and more , the curve of the costs of maintaining happiness. Extract Address Information
Part of:

Sunday, November 23, 2008

More Expensive: Blue Topaz Or Aquamarine

We are in a community that is beside the sea, and the truth is that very little is done water sports. I do not mean to sail in sailing or rowing, but rather the surfing, windsurfing, kitesurfing, wakeboarding, kayaking ...
The surf is a sport that involves sliding over the waves standing on a table, directing it through one or more fins located on the back of the table.

This sport also includes the exercise to get to where waves break (paddle to the surf), which many times is exhausting. It also includes passing cold (depending on location and whether you have a wetsuit or not), getting scratches and wounds with the bedrock or the keels own table. It also includes the ability to placed right where the wave breaks or beyond or more here, which is not always possible because the waves always break in the same place. Finally, for this sport is to overcome the fear of seeing many tons of water falling over you making a thunderous noise.
The windsurf is a form of sport of sailing that is to move in the water on a table similar to a surf shop, equipped with a sail.
Unlike a sailboat, sailing rig a windsurfing board is hinged allowing its free rotation around a single point of attachment to the table: the mast foot. This lets you manipulate the gear freely depending on wind direction and the position of the table with regard to the latter. The rig is manipulated by the sailor with the boom or as known in English or wishbone boom.
The kite surfing (sometimes also called kiteboarding, or flysurfing) is a sport of sailing that involves the use of a traction kite (kite, English), which is subject to the athlete (kiter) for 4 or 5 ( rarely 2) ropes, two fixed to the bar, and the remaining 2 or 3 passes through the center of the bar and attached to the body by a harness, allowing the water slide with a table designed for this purpose.
Wakeboarding is a water sport in which slides over the water on a table being pulled by a boat. The sport gets its name from the trail or trail that is left on land or water to be pulled by the vehicle. This sport was created through a combination of skiing, water skiing and boards.
The slider is attached to a boat, and it usually slides at speeds of 18 to 24 miles per hour, depending on water conditions, the weight of the sliding table size and especially the preference of the individual. The Tablaestela can also be practiced in a variety of media including closed-course cables, winches, Jet Ski and ATV. Prte of information extracted from:
We must seize more than we are next to the beach, and also in Benidorm is a
Cable - Ski in Benidorm there are only 2 in the world at sea. This is their website: The remainder are in lakes. I encourage everyone to provéis. Guaranteed fun and recreation.
Here's a video of what we do at sea sports on the beach of San Juan:

Saturday, November 22, 2008

What Should Be Put On A Retirement Cake

The balonkorf

live in Altea, which is only 5 minutes from Alfaz del Pi , a town which lies the second largest Dutch community of the world. The Dutch are a lovely people, quite shocking that they love beer and balonkorf. It is a team sport played between two teams looking to put another ball into a basket. The teams are mixed, consisting of four men and four women in each formation and the playing area is divided between areas of attack and defense. The korfball has certain similarities to basketball, and in fact considered a development influenced by the Swedish ringball.
Cestoball In 1984 came the decision to reconcile with the rules of basket ball to Argentina with the Dutch korfball and English netball.

is considered the founder of the sport's teacher Nico Broekhuyse Amsterdam, who in 1902 established the rules after a trip to Sweden. Belgium and the Netherlands are the countries where it has traditionally been practiced more.
was a demonstration sport at the Olympic Games of 1920 and 1928, held in Antwerp and Amsterdam, respectively. This presentation resulted in the formation of the Belgian Korfball Association, the international acceptance would gradually until after World War II. At present
Korfball actively practiced in various parts of the world: Australia, France, India, Israel, Taiwan and the United States. Korfball demonstrations in the countries of This is taking much interest. It is a sport recognized by the International Olympic Committee (IOC), although not part of the Olympic program. Part of information from:
In Alfaz often you see them playing balonkorf, the truth is that I find super education, work hard and gender equality coeducation. I played some match against them and it is hilarious. Here
pdf: Fichas_JDA_17

Friday, November 21, 2008

Items With The Word Gold In It

Today, snowboarding

A sport that I love to play in winter is snowboarding. It is a sport in which the slider uses a snowboard to glide over the snow.
The basic equipment for practice are the aforementioned table, snowboard bindings and boots. He became a winter Olympic sport in 1998.
There are several ways to practice snowboard, freestyle
: mode that focuses on tricks. To perform the rider is "help" of different modules to distinguished time in the freestyle disciplines.
Half-pipe: It is practiced in half-pipe, half pipe snow high vertical walls arranged in a slightly hilly slope and the riders try to make all possible tricks jumping beyond the edges it. It is a very difficult discipline in which tables and fixtures commonly used harsh and reactive to allow full control. This mode is the Olympics.
Slopestyle: The slopestyle is practiced on a track in which various modules are arranged as jumps, rails and boxes on which the rider tries to do in a drop every trick.
big jump: consists in a single bound giant (several meters high and usually over 20 meters before the reception level) in which riders try to do their best tricks in one jump.
Jibbing: Jibbing is known to slide on rails and boxes with the snowboard.
Quarterpipe: The rider is thrown at full speed against a snow tube room jumping up as high as possible and trying to make the best stunt during your flight, or, sometimes, to get higher than anyone. Slide
free: This mode is designed for downhill and extreme locations outside the tracks. When fused with the freestyle (in areas such as the use of natural elements like rocks cut, ridges, edges, etc.) is known as Backcountry.
Race: The important thing is to go down as quickly as possible. The track that is performed also has the difficulty of being supplemented with baths, bumps and jumps to make it more difficult and technical route. This mode is the Olympics. SnowBoarding
mountain or cruise: This form is more common in skiing, but a few years ago snowboarding was incorporated by special tables, called splitboard for this modality. Piece of information extracted from: Here
more information. And here
am I doing snow:

Thursday, November 20, 2008

How Many Ce's Do Rn's Need

"Hiking, trekking or mountain climbing?

I think that after 14 innings analyzing, criticizing and discrediting using demagoguery and other means to discredit the highly competitive sport, we have a highlight. It is now also in promoting recreational sport, which started in the first innings commenting a little running, swimming, skating ... amateur always clear. This time I want to talk about the sensrismo. One of my favorite sports and all attempt to play weekends.
Hiking is a sport noncompetitive place on roads marked and approved by the competent body in each country. Seeks to bring people to the natural environment and the knowledge of the area through heritage and cultural ethnographic and traditional elements, preferably using the traditional system of roads [1], such as actual creeks, roads and trails. It is a symbiosis between sport, culture and environment.
This is an activity that can be confused with other disciplines or included within them because of their similarity, such as hiking, mountaineering and trekking. It is clear from the extensive literature on mountain sports and the outdoors excursionismo sería la disciplina más cercana y precursora del senderismo. La diferencia principal con este último sería que discurre por caminos y senderos no balizados y que por lo tanto no cuentan con las garantías de seguridad y calidad que proporcionan los senderos homologados. La duración de rutas en el excursionismo se limita generalmente a un día.
El montañismo se entiende como aquella disciplina deportiva que consiste en ascender a cimas montañosas y que puede llegar a precisar de conocimientos, técnicas y material propios de la escalada y que por lo tanto implica en ocasiones un importante nivel de dificultad que hace que no sea un deporte abierto a la gran mayoría de la población, como ocurre con el senderismo and hiking. Trek is an anglicized
originated in South Africa and is used to describe the realization of a long and complicated journey. Therefore it can be defined as the trekking sport that consists of traveling independently, walk for several days or weeks away places with difficulty generalente transit such as mountainous or remote areas without trails. Is a word that came into use in the eighties by the climbers who traveled to the Himalayas or the Andes to define the long marches closer to the base of the mountains they thought up.
The equipment is suggested: a good pair of shoes, comfortable clothing, backpack or bag to carry supplies, water, sunglasses, hats, walking sticks. Do not forget the sunscreen. Prolonged exposure to sun can cause burns, even if the day is cloudy. Piece of information extracted from:
here for more information .
And here's a guide to all the paths of our province. Greetings and difrutar

Monday, November 17, 2008

Free Online Viewing Kates Playground

Watch your back.

Exercise is necessary for the back, but the inadequate practice of a competitive sport increased by 50% the chance of back pain in children and adolescents, warned yesterday Foundation Kovacs, an institution specialized in thoracic diseases.
According to the Foundation, the immature bone of children and adolescents are more sensitive to the load, so too intense training at a young age can lead to alterations in the spine like kyphosis (hump) or scoliosis (lateral deviation column). Margarita
According to Martin, medical director of the Unit Back Kovacs Foundation in Madrid, it is necessary to plan the training program should include progressive warm-up and intensity, use of correct style that meets hygiene standards postural and strengthening exercises for the muscles of the back and abdomen.
Entitled "Sport and back health in adolescents," Kovacs Foundation has initiated several actions to prevent back pain among schoolchildren. Manuel Francisco Kovacs, president of the company, insisted that the highly competitive sports, where "other interests took precedence than the exercise itself, the losses are more numerous than the benefits.
Kovacs said as recommended those sports in which "moves the whole body, like swimming, but within it there are more healthy style (front crawl and back) than others (breaststroke and butterfly). The latter two procedures are performed movements that "no benefit to the spine, "said the expert.
According to recent studies, at age 16 to 70% of teenagers has suffered back pain, which increases the risk of suffering from chronic to reach adulthood. Among the positive effects of sport ("always to be practiced regularly and in moderation") are proper bone growth and proper formation of the spine.
"It has shown that everyday items such as mattresses and desks , strongly influences the health of the back, but despite the advertising has not yet assessed the effect of different types of sports teams, "said Kovacs.
The most popular sports among young English men are football (43.4%), soccer (18.2%), basketball (15.5%), volleyball (4.1%) and handball (2.2% .) Among girls, the most practiced is basketball (8%), followed by volleyball (6.4%), soccer (3.7%), soccer (1.3%) and handball (1%).
For more information (some of informacioón also extracted here) you can visit:

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"effort or ability?, Snow begins to smell.

When a child points and as in any sport, should be left at their own pace Cecere. Especially because as Save the Children said, "before to reach 6 or 7 years, the child can not understand the concept of competition, and children under 9 years are unable to differentiate between the concept of effort and ability, so believe winning can only be achieved by effort , and that losing is a consequence of not trying hard enough. "And sometimes the needs of young athletes are too compelling: parents who turn their economic hopes on their children, depressed social contexts which wants to escape, pressure from coaches. .. For the last few days it seems that winter is arriving earlier than other years, and the cold and snow began to emerge throughout the peninsula. begins to smell like snow and winter sports. I love snowboarding, and encourage everyone to practiquéis at least 1 year after snow sports including skiing, snow ... Well field trips with your parents, or on your own. Prove to be unforgettable trip, and a unique opportunity to practice a sport that is rising and will increase your quality of life. I have attached in a portal interesting sites to see the snow surface part, plus a video of a friend of mine when we started to snow which has no waste. Do not miss it.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Interprétation Test-t

The pressure in high performance sport. High performance

In 2003 when I passed the opposition of Physical Education Teacher Specialist in the second test of this opposition were físicas.Eran tests 5 tests: Cooper test, eye-hand coordination, eye coordination-Pedic, agility and body language. It was not any competition, but we were playing the opposition and your future. In the 2 times I applied (2002 and 2003) I had a fatal. He had a terrible pressure on top. The following year the physical evidence removed. They put these cases where you had to demonstrate your teaching skills. A written test. It is clear that we must not be the best physically to be the best teacher. Different is the case, but many athletes pressure has caused them to suffer anxiety disorders in most cases have not been addressed.
But the reality is that stress is normal in the lives of many athletes. Many examples can be cited, but surely the most characteristic is that of the Chinese gymnasts are exposed to penalties such as not seeing his family, as they are held in high performance centers for months, or inability to have a partner as can distract from the goal. Winning is the only thought that gives them the head. Although
think that this is a thing of the past, the fact is that still happening It is a type of abuse.
pressure must exist in sport as a way to motivate the athlete, but the question is where is the limit. The pressure, metered whenever and gradually assimilated, is beneficial.
The athlete must have freedom of action, but the competition is not possible without a minimum of pressure and discipline that requires the athlete to focus on it. Piece of information extracted from: When these demands surpass themselves resources athlete conduct issues arise that can trigger an unwanted psychological disorder.
It is best not gamble anything sports. By the mere pleasure of fun, fun, and improve yourself to yourself. Thus there is no stress.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Bottomless Mature Women

child and anxiety

I found a very interesting article that talks about the topic we are discussing and talking much at all entrances. The truth is that I liked a lot, since it refers to some studies about the benefits of high performance at an early age. These are:
Hahn (1988) includes the advancement of age of peak performance, especially in certain disciplines, encourages federations, clubs and coaches to start training process aimed at high performance with increasing prematurity, for best results.
On the other hand, the pursuit of success on the part of institutions, associations and clubs contribute to this early specialization.
Finally, the attitude of the parents (who often seek an "overcompensation" by the success is not achieved), is crucial.
Generally, the high-level sport begins with early sports specialization. This specialization is frequent, and fairly treated in the literature. Martens lists the minimum age of initiation to different sports in the U.S. For example, baseball, swimming, athletics, begin before 5 years of age, and may even reach 3 years. Thus, there are few examples of athletes worldwide who began their sport at an early age.
Anyway, there are several positions for some, is fully justified sport beginning and see no problem early in the introduction of the child in high level competitions. For others, it is an attack against children. Here we will present both views, which are for or against this sport specialization, so that the reader can choose the one that seems most appropriate. Obviously there
arguments against:
There are many authors who are against early specialization. Personne collects a large number of actual cases in which athletes subject to an early specialization show a great variety of problems (health, integration, psychological ...).
Moreover, Cotta researched pathological changes in participants of different sports specialties (weightlifters, divers, swimmers ...). Also
most teachers do not recommend this expertise. The risks of this are divided into physical, psychological, motor and sport.
PHYSICAL: Problems bones, joints, heart, muscle ...

PSYCHOLOGICAL RISKS: There are negative consequences of early training and competition that are relevant to the subject's behavior and mental state. Thus, we see problems such as anxiety, stress, frustration, and a "no living children, by the enormous dedication the sport requires high competition (sometimes more than 4 hours a day). RISK
ENGINES: Specialized training search performance in a particular aspect of the human motor execution, ignoring a rule others. This leads to a relative "poverty drive, which can become impossible for a future different sports of which took place during childhood. RISK
SPORTS: In certain ages, it becomes a "specialization blind", ie, it is very difficult to ascertain the nature of future elite athlete when you have a few years old, so it is possible that a child is specializing / a in a practice which is not particularly qualified.
So to conclude this section, I will quote a phrase that is the title of a book Personne:
I join these opinions. The truth is that the whole article is really interesting. If anyone would want to take a look, you can do here. What do you think?
Greetings to all.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Mtg: Black Cards To Help Against Flying

In high performance athletes is very easy to the possibility of moving from a mere pressure, normal in a competition like the Olympics, a stressful state coming to cripple the good response of the athlete and then lock it.
is important that the athlete has a good emotional support, with support from his coach, psychologist and family, as a method of preventing stress. Still, the emotions sometimes can exceed the athlete.
Among the tasks of the sport psychologist might note as a basic control stress as one of the main problems affecting the performance is poor management of their anxiety, leading inevitably peaks of stress that may manifest before, during and after the competition.
anxiety generated for various reasons (uncertainty in the result, a family argument, reaching unexpected instances in a tournament, bad execution of sports movements, an error, etc..) And the mishandling of it can, and fact makes many times that we are at a disadvantage before the competition starts.

Anxiety produces a voltage that is generating a vicious circle that starts with deconcentration, passes to disorganization and finally install the hopelessness, directly affecting performance.
A high anxiety on the psychological aspect generates among other visual distortion that causes insecurity, insomnia that prevents a proper rest, difficulty making decisions, and difficulty concentrating, which directly affects the performance, plus the emergence of negative thoughts and lack of assertiveness in executions. Piece of information extracted from:

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Sheet Music Biffy Clyro Mountains

High Performance Doping in athletics. Third and last part.

Athletics along with cycling may be the hit sports scandals in the world of doping. I spoke in an earlier entry to various German athletes who had undergone sex change. This is another case:
Balian Buschbaum remains a celebrity in Ulm, the German city where he was born, but his days of glory and scandal sports world when he announced he was leaving the sport to change sex (ceased to be Yvonne, bronze medal at the 2002 European pole vault, and happened to be Balian) passed. Now is an anonymous man who left his post in the army and begins to make a living as a coach.
addition there are thousands of cases and penalties in the world of athletics by doping. Visit this page:
And nothing to say about the sprinters. I especially the case struck me as a kid was to Ben Johnson. In the 1987 World Championships in Rome, Johnson gained fame by defeating Lewis also beat the world record with a record layer, 9.83 seconds. A year later, Johnson and Lewis meet again in a grand finale, the Games of 1988. Again, Johnson beat Lewis, and made further lowering the world record in 9.79 seconds leaving. The world was amazed, a feat of greatness of Bob Beamon, a world record that would last, an athlete be remembered, Johnson was a hero. But few days later, a urine test showed that Johnson had used steroids which earned him a disqualification for doping. The scandal was so great or more than it had been his victory. The test speed queen was challenged and many athletes were overshadowed by the fall of Johnson. Later
acknowledge having used steroids when he won the 1987 World Record with the result that the record is also void. His disqualification gave the gold medal to Carl Lewis, Linford Christie's silver and bronze to Calvin Smith. Although Johnson was the only athlete who tested positive in the review, it is not the only one who has consumed certain substances prohibited by the athletics federation. Years later, Christie was also found that using steroids.
In 1991, Johnson tried to return to the track without much success, with a best mark of 10.31. In 1993, Johnson appeared to be approaching his best form, but a new doping control with positive results, finally cut short his career to be banned for life.
and painful recent scandals like Marion Jones. American sprinter, who got big hits such as 5 medals at the Sydney Games. Later, and after several scandals with her ex-husband sprinter Tim Montgomery, have been careful to ruin. The IOC will set aside all his triumphs. He had to return all the medals won, and over in January 2008, Judge of the District Court of the United States (White Plains), was sentenced to six months in prison . It now has serious economic problems. Extract Address Information
Party link: You can see his biography here.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Leg Infection Cartoons

Sport and doping. Part two professional sports doping

In the previous post I explained what the doping and what are the main substances that are bought and taken. But why? Well, at first, and with reference to sports brands reached in the high-performance, day after day looking for new methods and techniques to try to overcome these parameters. An externally to influence the physical performance of the athlete has been using banned substances by the rules of sporting organizations.
These substances, when ingested, causes an artificial increase athletic performance, but that somehow disrupt the body's physiological functions to the detriment of health.
Its use is opposed to the philosophy that gave rise to the International Olympic Committee (IOC) in 1894, promoting a host of ethical, moral, educational and humanistic inherent sport to achieve development of the personalidadde athletes and improving communication between people with safeguarding peace objetivode (Olympic Charter). This philosophical view has been ignored "Olympian", with the use of toxic substances placed in an unequal competitive opportunities for athletes. For this reason, the IOC has asked its unionized support agencies to prevent the spread of this harmful practice that completely destroys the human values \u200b\u200bthat must prevail in all sports competition.
I think part of the blame lies with the media and telecommunications. Those looking for supermen, capable of top 5 mountain passes in which 2 should be of special category and the other three first, and up a blistering pace. The goal is for each edition of the Olympic Games athletes cosigan new world records ...
So who is to blame: the competitive athlete, or the media and telecommunications facilities that make him so? For example, this super cyclist or do I need to mention your name:
how can you win 7 Tours de France and above will now return to professional cycling? Already had a positive for EPO, which ultimately was rejected by a "defect of form" ... Piece of information extracted from:
What do you want to show the world? What after? And why does the press applauds?

Friday, November 7, 2008

Knock Off Hobo International Lauren

I'll be optimistic and I will say that a lot of professional athletes and todvía more individual sports such as cycling, swimming, distance running ... dopers. Many of you are wondering, But What is doping?: As the doping is considered as the use of substances and methods intended to artificially enhance performance because of the competition and can undermine the ethics of sport and physical integrity and athlete's psychological. "
went into a very ugly, black, dirty or whatever you want contact sport.
But I will go deeper: What are the drugs and the means employed? Amphetamines, anabolic steroids (testosterone ...), the autotrasfusión, growth hormone and various products such as ephedrine, codeine and caffeine. These drugs can be very dangerous (especially amphetamines, anabolic steroids and growth hormone). Its damage can be immediate or long term. These products may be delayed negative, often unknown by the athlete. Good information should eliminate all temptation of doping. Everyone
remember cases like the death of a cocaine overdose Marco Pantani. Cyclist Giro d'Italia champion in 1998, and other triumphs. Also many doping scandals.
Or the sudden change of sex in Germany many athletes such as Heidi Krieger is now Andreas Krieger, the use of anabolic male. I attached a picture of this transformation. . And there are countless cases.
is a shame that sport be cases and situations as well as sad and terrible as este.Parte of information extracted from:
I encourage you not be led by professional sports. Always take it as a hobby. By natural. You will obtain more benefits. I promise.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Ingrown Hair Scars On Belly

A run for a good cause

On 23 November, the university gazette with repsol Foundation, organized in Madrid the third race solidarity. 5.5 kilometers is to explore and contribute, through an inscription of three euros, the project "back to life." Project in Africa that will take 70 tricycles, 60 crutches and 60 wheel chairs to the south of Morocco.
Testing will begin in the Plaza del Cardenal Cisneros and there begin the journey, take the riders across the University City area, bordering some of the powers to end in Garden Street Professor Joaquín Garrigues.

Participants are grouped into one category for boys and one for girls only. The winners of both categories will be 2 tickets for the Motorcycle Grand Prix held in the Cheste sircuito speed. In addition to other delicious gifts to 2 nd and 3 rd place.
I encourage everyone to go, enjoy fellowship and a good cause.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Where To Rent Cherry Blossom Trees For Wedding

Are you a gymnast? Think 2 times

rhythmic gymnastics has one of the highest rates of injuries in women's sports. In the UK, 2600 gymnasts under 16 come each year to the hospital with injuries from gymnastics as broken bones, sprains, sprains and dislocations. No need to mention the eating disorder that produces this level of competition sports such as anorexia, bulimia ... 15% of the gymnasts are at risk for anorexia or bulimia, and there have been cases like the gymnast Christy Henrich, who died at age 22 as a result of anorexia. Sometimes these processes take place to try to avoid the natural process of becoming adults and maintain a girlish figure and thin.
So my advice is that if ractice the sport in a completely amateur, keep it up. But beware if you practice a high performance levels and high competition, think 2 times. It is a practice hazardous to health. May have irreversible consequences.

Monday, November 3, 2008

When Will Chevrolet Tahoe Body Stayle Change

Free Soccer Sports

In Spain there are almost 350,000 young people between 7 and 17 who are trained in professional football clubs, although only 4% wins. According to the NGO proliferation of adolescents in South America and Africa who come to Europe with false offers sports, or swingeing exclusive contracts by clubs. Also complaint that this system is responsible for cases such as Bernard Bass, 17, who traveled to France from Guinea Bissau, after a stopover at Tenerife (and by canoe), and after failing a test with the team Metz ended up living on the streets.

Unfortunately the thousands of cases like this do not come to light or in the press, and if the FC Barcelona player Lionel Messi was a child with growth hormone and the team he took over. Now is a estrlla. But the problem is that if Messi is unique. Bernard Bass's case is a case but unknown thousands more clear. So today
present skating as a way to have fun, play an alternative sport, and attached a youtube video of a fellow PE teacher explaining the first steps of skating. Also attached very interesting website about inline skating in Alicante, concentrations of skaters ... Greetings and
encourage you to leave you skating and soccer. I evitaréis a disappointment.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Wearing Heels With Bunions

competition law, do you still believe it, take a bath

The NGO notes that "70% of young athletes is largely benefited from competitive sport, but 20% live at risk and 10% have some of their rights violated, "and notes especially risky practices such as rhythmic and artistic gymnastics, the swaying of the signings in the lower echelons of football clubs and other sports such as boxing grotesque child in Thailand or racing camels.
I think the percentage that states the NGOs is far from reality. What about the thousands of children who dream of being like fashion futblistas that I will not mention their names and fame is fleeting?. What happens to them when they realize that their dreams are truncated? I'll talk more specifically of football in the next post. Now the moment I just want to add something on recreational sport.
I think it's important for recreational sport and take advantage of weather conditions conducive to sport ideal. Thus talk of snow in the previous post. In this I encourage you to nadéis. I know that the weather comes, but swimming is so beneficial that I have to mention it now. No need to talk about the many benefits that have a level of health. Neither of which provides summer recreation. Nor does the "good vibes", which provide hiking. It is clear now just finished hiking season, but I encourage you to turn to a pool and you train a bit so that next summer you can participate in a journey that you see on the website that I swim across interesting pages attached. Here
attached pdf document on my swimming and breaststroke: Working
Braza 2 [1]