Monday, March 28, 2011

Abortions In Montreal Where To Go

Bishounens Gallery! (Do not faint of heart)

Hi, Sol-chan here, this time with a heart enrada unsafe (as).

Surely you have heard about the "Bishounens" or better known by the geese as "bishies," well because I do not want to bring your shock when you download it, so that you do not know, "Bishounens" are the characters in anime, manga, drawings, etc. they are beautiful to the extreme, ie, an attribute of beauty.

The downside is that they are not real.

Well, here in this post I'm going to leave a small collection of bishounens (100 Bishounens to be exact) I hope disfuteis much as me.
Here I leave a few examples of what is in the collection:

Here you are, today, 30 April a second and third of the Gallery, 101 to 300!

IMPORTANT: Do not command them to download it without knowing what it is! Estais warned.
EVEN MORE IMPORTANT: Thanks to the girls who posted all these pictures in the Fansub forum Last Heaven! I love it!

- [Bishonens II] -

- [Bishonens III] -

PS: Do not forget the act Cheka Skip Beat! and Dengeki Daisy, which come with new chapters! Enjoy!


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