Wednesday, May 4, 2011

How To Make A Fake Community Service

Hundreds of health unit again require removing cut despite negotiating offer

At least seven protests called in hospitals in Catalonia have helped hundreds of health again Wednesday to demand the suspension of further cuts in health.
Source the news in Europe
press Protests have occurred despite the offer of dialogue to the Minister Boi Ruiz did last week.
trade union sources have pointed out in statements to Europa Press that more than 2,000 people have participated in calls , the most numerous in the Hospital de Bellvitge in L'Hospitalet de Llobregat, Vall d'Hebron (Barcelona) - have also caused traffic cutting the rounds of the Catalan capital - and Vilamoura.
The same sources have indicated that some 500 people demonstrated in Bellvitge, about 400 in Vilamoura, 300 in Vall d'Hebron, 280 in Reus (Tarragona), 300 in Trueta Hospital, 100 Health Park Sant Joan de Déu in Sant Boi de Llobregat and 150 in Sant Joan Despi. Trueta
The concentration has also served to vindicate the validity of the closure that many professionals hold in the center since last week, and in the case of Sant Joan Despi has been the platform 'Outraged' that has been critical to the low TV3 coverage by the media with their claims.
marches Wednesday complete the fourth straight week of protests, since the Department of Health announced its intention to reduce about 1,000 million budget for the department, and have been released despite the announcement last week that the setting is divided into two phases to facilitate the most challenging to be negotiated with unions and employers.
The protests have had the participation of users of health and, in the case of Reus, has also helped the local mayor, Lluís Miquel Pérez (PSC), will add to the concentration, in line with complaints made public in recent days by other mayors from opposition parties the Government of the Artur Mas.
consulted union spokesmen have insisted that the cuts regret being applied in schools, with the closure of hospital beds and reduction of activity in theaters, while have begun to produce its first layoffs, especially in the form of non-renewal of contracts of temporary staff.
unions - already warned after the first meeting convened at the Department of Enterprise and Employment to negotiate implementation of the second phase of the cuts would not talk with Health until the department does not detail the planned cuts at each site - , so keep your pulse with daily protests, which the unions this Wednesday have announced that teachers will join


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